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Windows 10 Tip: Get instant answers as you search with Microsoft Edge You can get quick answers for weather, stock and calculations – even track your flight by typing the flight number, or get the most popular fun facts like “How tall is the Eiffel Tower?” – right from the address bar. Here’s how to get started with instant answers: Get thousands of answers right in your address bar. Just start typing to get instant results for weather reports, measurements, sports scores and more. Here are some things you can get instant results for: Type in “20 grams = lbs” for a conversion Type “weather” to get results based on your current location Type “how big is the moon” to get 1,079 miles Type “Sounders” to get either scores, or next game date/time Type in a flight number to get [ more... ]

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원문출처 : https://jirak.net/wp/windows-10-tip-get-instant-answers-as-you-search-with-microsoft-edge/