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Getting Started with a Mixed Reality Platformer Using Microsoft HoloLens The platform game genre has undergone constant evolution, from its earliest incarnations in Donkey Kong and Pitfall to recent variations like Flappy Bird. Shigeru Miyamoto’s Super Mario Bros. is recognized as the best platform game of all time, setting a high bar for everyone who came after. The Lara Croft series built on Shigeru’s innovations by taking the standard side-scrolling platformer and expanding it into a 3D world. With mixed reality and HoloLens, we all have the opportunity to expand the world of the platform game yet again. Standard video game conventions undergo a profound change when you put a platformer in a mixed reality environment. First of all, instead of sitting in a chair and moving your character inside your display screen, you physically follow your character as he [ more... ]

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원문출처 : https://jirak.net/wp/getting-started-with-a-mixed-reality-platformer-using-microsoft-hololens/