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Project Rome for Android Update: Now with App Services Support Project Rome developers have had a month to play with Project Rome for Android SDK (Android SDK), and we hope you are as excited about its capabilities as we are! In this month’s release, we are thrilled to bring you support for app services. Before, we offered the ability to launch a URI from an Android device onto a Windows device. However, the SDK was limited to sending a URI. With the introduction of app services, now you can easily message between Android and Windows devices. What are App Services? In short, app services allow your app to provide services that can be interacted with from other applications. This enables an Android application to invoke an app service on a Windows application to perform tasks behind the scenes. This blog [ more... ]

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원문출처 : https://jirak.net/wp/project-rome-for-android-update-now-with-app-services-support/