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Defending against ransomware with Windows 10 Anniversary Update Ransomware is one of the latest malware threats that is attracting an increasing number of cyber-criminals who are looking to profit from it. In fact, in the last 12 months, the number of ransomware variants have more than doubled. Its premise is deceptively simple: infect users’ devices, and then deny them access to their devices or files unless they pay a ransom. However, the methods and means attackers are using to perpetrate ransomware attacks are increasingly varied, complex and costly. Microsoft is committed to helping protect people against threats to their safety and security through our strategy of Prevent, Detect and Respond. Using this approach, Windows 10 Anniversary Update is more ransomware-resilient than ever before. Here are some of the many ways we’re fighting back against ransomware: Six of the top 10 [ more... ]

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원문출처 : https://jirak.net/wp/defending-against-ransomware-with-windows-10-anniversary-update/