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Choosing the Right Load Balancer on Amazon: AWS Application Load Balancer vs. NGINX Plus Anyone running highly-available, scalable applications on Amazon Web Services (AWS) now can choose between load balancing with NGINX or NGINX Plus; AWS Elastic Load Balancer, now called Classic Load Balancer; and the new Application Load Balancer, described by Amazon as an option for Elastic Load Balancer. The new option is described in a blog post and product documentation. In this post, we will review the new features in Amazon Load Balancer, then compare its pricing and features to NGINX open source and NGINX Plus. We will also describe the role of Classic Load Balancer with respect to these alternatives. Note: See our previous blog post for a direct comparison of NGINX Plus and AWS Classic Load Balancer. That blog post includes a matrix comparing the features [ more... ]

The post Choosing the Right Load Balancer on Amazon: AWS Application Load Balancer vs. NGINX Plus appeared first on 지락문화예술공작단.

원문출처 : https://jirak.net/wp/choosing-the-right-load-balancer-on-amazon-aws-application-load-balancer-vs-nginx-plus/