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Windows Application Driver is no longer in Beta! We’re excited to announce the release of Windows Application Driver (WinAppDriver) version 1.0. This 1.0 release is the first WinAppDriver release without the Beta label. This release is a big milestone for the project which was first introduced during Build 2016 and has been growing in adoption. What is WinAppDriver Today, it’s easier than ever to build software for multiple platforms and devices. Microsoft supports any developer working on any platform to build software for any device. We’re showing this support in many tooling investments including .Net, UWP with .Net Standard, Rome, VS Code, Xamarin and WSL. In alignment with this vision we need a test tooling strategy that is equally cross platform and cross device, and that is where WinAppDriver fits in. WinAppDriver is an open standards based tool for UI Test [ more... ]

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원문출처 : https://jirak.net/wp/windows-application-driver-is-no-longer-in-beta/