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“Throwing your voice” with Spatial Audio

관리자 2016.09.16 13:00 조회 수 : 334

“Throwing your voice” with Spatial Audio The age-old act of ventroquilism sees a puppet move its mouth while the controlling ventriloquist speaks without moving their lips – pretty impressive! The underlying technique has the ventriloquist “throwing” their voice in a joint audial and visual illusion. Enter Spatial Audio, a set of ground breaking technologies originally created by Microsoft for HoloLens and now being exposed to Universal Windows Platform (UWP) and Unity apps. The underlying “technique” of Spatial Audio is mapping how audio reaches each ear and how headshape, ear contours, the inner ear and the brain make sense of this audio to determine the 3D source of a sound. Audio is then “positioned” for each ear, unique to its physical orientation. This is known as “binaural audio.” In many ways, binaural audio mirrors the various illusions used in the HoloLens [ more... ]

The post “Throwing your voice” with Spatial Audio appeared first on 지락문화예술공작단.

원문출처 : https://jirak.net/wp/throwing-your-voice-with-spatial-audio/