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Fortune-ranked #27 winner and Surface fan Yen Hoang What do the Fortune 100 list of fastest- growing inner city companies and Surface have in common? UYL COLOR SUPPLY CEO Yen Hoang. Yen jokes that she loves her Surface Pro so much that “it’s like my third child!” “As the CEO of a fast-growing small business, I need to remain flexible and have the ability to make quick decisions to capitalize on emerging opportunities. Surface helps me do just that.”  Yen Hoang, CEO of UYL Color, and full time companion of her Surface Yen relies on her Surface Pro as her primary tool to stay organized so she can tackle work and life every day. She loves that she can use Surface like a desktop when putting in a long day at the office or as a tablet so she can [ more... ]

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원문출처 : https://jirak.net/wp/fortune-ranked-27-winner-and-surface-fan-yen-hoang/
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