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Gears of War 4 early access starts today

관리자 2016.10.08 08:00 조회 수 : 259

Gears of War 4 early access starts today Today, fans who purchased Gears of War 4: Ultimate Edition can experience the beginning of the new Gears saga four days before the Oct. 11 global launch with early access on Xbox One and Windows 10. Play Video Restricted Content Confirm your age to continue month JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember day 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031 year 201620152014201320122011201020092008200720062005200420032002200120001999199819971996199519941993199219911990198919881987198619851984198319821981198019791978197719761975197419731972197119701969196819671966196519641963196219611960195919581957195619551954195319521951195019491948194719461945194419431942194119401939193819371936193519341933193219311930192919281927192619251924192319221921192019191918191719161915191419131912191119101909190819071906190519041903190219011900 In addition to early access, Gears of War 4: Ultimate Edition owners get the Gears of War 4 Season Pass. Gears of War 4 encourages players to “Never Fight Alone” with cross-play on Xbox One and Windows 10 PC across all modes (campaign, Horde and Co-op versus) and versus multiplayer cross-play in private matches. As an Xbox Play Anywhere title, you’ll get both versions with one digital purchase and be able to switch seamlessly between them, as all game progress, Gamerscore [ more... ]

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원문출처 : https://jirak.net/wp/gears-of-war-4-early-access-starts-today/
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