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Cross-device experience with Project Rome

관리자 2016.10.12 16:00 조회 수 : 306

Cross-device experience with Project Rome Overview Today we live in a multi-device world, and the way we use them spans different platforms and form factors: We read the morning news on our tablets, check email during the morning commute on our phones and at work on our desktop PCs. And at night, we watch movies on our home media consoles. The Windows platform targets devices ranging from desktop PCs, laptops and smartphones, to large-screen hubs, HoloLens, wearable devices, IoT and Xbox. The device landscape is further diversified with Android and iOS devices, emerging VR/AR solutions, and new IoT products. This heterogeneous environment provides the average user with many choices and device options. However, the tasks we perform on a daily basis (whether at home with family, or at work with colleagues) are not inherently device-centric, but rather human-centric. As we [ more... ]

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원문출처 : https://jirak.net/wp/cross-device-experience-with-project-rome/