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Windows Ink 2: Digging Deeper with Ink and Pen In the last post, we explored a brief history of pen computing and introduced you to how easy it is to get started with Windows Ink in your Universal Windows Platform app. You saw that you can enable inking by adding a single line of code, an InkCanvas, to your app to enable inking. You also saw that adding another single line of code, the InkToolbar, gives the user additional pen-related tools like pen-stroke color and stroke type. In this post, we’ll dig deeper into how we can further customize the pen and ink experience to make your application a delightful inking experience for the user. Let’s build a Coloring Book application! Customizing The Inking Experience Getting Started To get started, let’s put in an InkCanvas on the page: <InkCanvas x:Name="myInkCanvas"/> [ more... ]

The post Windows Ink 2: Digging Deeper with Ink and Pen appeared first on 지락문화예술공작단.

원문출처 : https://jirak.net/wp/windows-ink-2-digging-deeper-with-ink-and-pen/