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Microsoft HoloLens comes to Japan

관리자 2016.11.29 23:00 조회 수 : 353

Microsoft HoloLens comes to Japan Last month we marked an important milestone for Microsoft HoloLens when we announced HoloLens Development Edition and Microsoft HoloLens Commercial Suite availability in Australia, Ireland, France, Germany, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom. Pre-orders start on December 2nd – exclusively from the Microsoft Store in Japan and HoloLens will begin to ship in early 2017. We continue to be inspired by the work developers and customers are doing with HoloLens across the globe. Japan is no different. One of the companies already innovating with HoloLens is Japan Airlines. By using HoloLens, Japan Airlines has developed two proof-of-concept programs to provide supplemental training for engine mechanics, and for flight crew trainees who want to be promoted to co-pilot status. We are very excited to have them on this holographic journey with us. It has been inspiring [ more... ]

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원문출처 : https://jirak.net/wp/microsoft-hololens-comes-to-japan/