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Windows 10 Tip: Enable “Hey Cortana” and teach Cortana to recognize your voice Today, we’re showing you how you can enable “Hey Cortana” so you can simply ask Cortana for whatever it is you need with your voice! “Hey Cortana” lets you interact with Cortana hands-free so you can master multitasking. You can even use “Hey Cortana” to interact with Cortana above your lock screen so you don’t even have to login to your computer to have Cortana help you out. Here’s how to enable “Hey Cortana:” To get started, click on the Search bar, then click on the Settings icon and find the button to enable Hey Cortana. Here are a couple things you can ask for when you say, “Hey Cortana:” Ask Cortana to set a reminder for a specific time Ask Cortana about local services, such as [ more... ]

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원문출처 : https://jirak.net/wp/windows-10-tip-enable-hey-cortana-and-teach-cortana-to-recognize-your-voice/
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