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ICYMI – What happened over vacation?

관리자 2017.01.07 19:00 조회 수 : 60

ICYMI – What happened over vacation? We hope everyone had a great vacation and a very happy New Year! We’re excited to be back and while we have a few exciting updates on the way, here are a few things that you might have missed. Patterns & Controls Tutorials Fly out menus. Dialogue boxes. Buttons. Check, check and check. Learn how to add all of these controls and patterns to your UWP apps, and spruce up your UI for 2017. Create UI for apps by using controls like buttons, text boxes, & combo boxes to display data & get user input. https://t.co/dk8uDmFu42 — Windows Developer (@windowsdev) December 27, 2016 Tell us what you want to see on our blog! Our blog team wants to create the content that you want to read. Sounds simple, right? Do you want more tutorials? [ more... ]

The post ICYMI – What happened over vacation? appeared first on 지락문화예술공작단.

원문출처 : https://jirak.net/wp/icymi-what-happened-over-vacation/