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Why PhD student Soon Flynn loves his Surface Pro 4 “My Surface is the only means I have to express myself outside of my head to the physical world – seriously; it makes such a big difference to my life and my studies.  As a person with Autism it’s an imperative tool to communicate with others.” – Soon Flynn, Ph.D. student studying Biology at Arizona State University. Working in Kathleen Pigg’s Ph.D. Lab, Soon is blowing up a photo to examine the smaller details such as venation and margins on the acer samaras fossil then adding it to his PDF presentation for National Fossil Day in Republic Washington. Soon got his Surface Pro 4 when he joined ASU as a doctoral student and he knew exactly why he wanted one. “The size, portability and picture quality is perfect! Just the [ more... ]

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원문출처 : https://jirak.net/wp/why-phd-student-soon-flynn-loves-his-surface-pro-4/