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Trimble & University of Cambridge build the future of construction with HoloLens In November, we announced the release of Trimble’s SketchUp Viewer to the Windows Store, the first broadly available commercial Microsoft HoloLens application.  Trimble is using HoloLens and SketchUp Viewer to bring mixed reality to the construction industry, enabling Architecture, Engineering Construction and Operations (AECO) professionals to extend the value and investment that they have already made in 3D modeling. SketchUp Viewer on HoloLens allows people to inhabit their designs in a natural and immersive way, creating improved collaboration and a better understanding of designs in real scale. This exciting collaboration was the first application of its kind and, as it turns out, just the beginning! We have continued to work closely with Trimble and the Construction Information Technology Lab at the University of Cambridge to explore ways of [ more... ]

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원문출처 : https://jirak.net/wp/trimble-university-of-cambridge-build-the-future-of-construction-with-hololens/