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New Ad Performance and App Promotion Performance Reporting in Windows Store Analytics API The team in charge of the Windows Store and Dev Center tools is constantly working to make your dev life simpler. Take the release of the Windows Store analytics API in March as an example — they hear your feedback and work to make sure our features are top notch and as up-to-date as possible. Now, the team has enabled two new features that will simplify reporting even further: the Windows Store Analytics API set for both Advertising Performance Reporting and App Promotion Performance Reporting. These API methods have long been a top request, and we are excited to have them ready and available for you and your team to use right now! As with the original analytics API, these new methods provide the information you once [ more... ]

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원문출처 : https://jirak.net/wp/new-ad-performance-and-app-promotion-performance-reporting-in-windows-store-analytics-api/