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Using SQLite databases in UWP apps

관리자 2017.02.07 17:00 조회 수 : 334

Using SQLite databases in UWP apps For many developers, SQLite has become the preferred client-side technology for data storage. It is a server-less, embedded, open-source database engine that satisfies most local data access scenarios. There are numerous advantages that come with its use, many of which are explained in the SQLite about page. Since the Windows 10 Anniversary Update (Build 14393), SQLite has also shipped as part of the Windows SDK. This means that when you are building your Universal Windows Platform (UWP) app that runs across the different Windows device form factors, you can take advantage of the SDK version of SQLite for local data storage. This comes with some advantages: Your application size reduces since you don’t download your own SQLite binary and package it as part of your application Note: Microsoft.Data.SQLite (used in the example below) currently [ more... ]

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원문출처 : https://jirak.net/wp/using-sqlite-databases-in-uwp-apps/