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Universal Windows Platform (UWP) docs are now on Docs.Microsoft.com I’m excited to announce the release of Universal Windows Platform (UWP) documentation on Docs.Microsoft.com. Docs.Microsoft.com is the one place for Microsoft’s technical documentation.  As part of this release, we’ve also included the docs for the UWP APIs, Microsoft Edge, and Cortana. Why move Windows documentation to docs.microsoft.com? Here are the benefits for developers: One place for Microsoft’s technical docs, offering you a complete and consistent content experience. A modern, community-oriented approach that’s open to your contributions and feedback, and responsive design that works on your phone, tablet or PC. Better content discoverability and navigation. Ongoing improvements to the site, new features based on your input and updated content from community contributions. Check out the November 2016 platform update post by Jeff Sandquist to see the latest features on Docs.Microsoft.com. Moving to [ more... ]

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원문출처 : https://jirak.net/wp/universal-windows-platform-uwp-docs-are-now-on-docs-microsoft-com/