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Enterprise/LOB controls for UWP from Telerik are now Open Source The Microsoft community and ecosystem has long been a great support system for our enterprise and .NET developers. Partners such as Telerik, SyncFusion, DevExpress, Infragistics, ComponentOne, ActiPro and many more have been great partners over the years, augmenting Windows and .NET technologies with custom controls and services. We are pleased to announce that one of Microsoft’s top partners, Telerik, (now a part of Progress) has released their UI for UWP suite of offerings as an Open Source project under Apache license through the .NET foundation. This makes 20+ high-quality controls, including premier Line of Business (LOB) controls like Charts, Grid and DataForm available immediately for free and open source for UWP development. Other interesting controls that were released include: Gauge BulletGraph Expander NumericBox RadialMenu HexView SideDrawer HubTile, and several more. You [ more... ]

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원문출처 : https://jirak.net/wp/enterpriselob-controls-for-uwp-from-telerik-are-now-open-source/