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Cognitive Services APIs: Vision

관리자 2017.02.14 13:00 조회 수 : 345

Cognitive Services APIs: Vision What exactly are Cognitive Services and what are they for? Cognitive Services are a set of machine learning algorithms that Microsoft has developed to solve problems in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI). The goal of Cognitive Services is to democratize AI by packaging it into discrete components that are easy for developers to use in their own apps. Web and Universal Windows Platform developers can consume these algorithms through standard REST calls over the Internet to the Cognitive Services APIs. The Cognitive Services APIs are grouped into five categories… Vision—analyze images and videos for content and other useful information. Speech—tools to improve speech recognition and identify the speaker. Language—understanding sentences and intent rather than just words. Knowledge—tracks down research from scientific journals for you. Search—applies machine learning to web searches. So why is it worthwhile [ more... ]

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원문출처 : https://jirak.net/wp/cognitive-services-apis-vision/