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Cognitive Services APIs: Language

관리자 2017.02.16 13:00 조회 수 : 298

Cognitive Services APIs: Language In the last post, you saw how AI is used to turn speech into text through the Cognitive Services Speech APIs. Once sounds have been converted into written text, they still have to be distilled for their meaning. Human language, however, is rich in ambiguities and understanding a sentence correctly can sometimes be extremely difficult, even for experienced humans. We have multiple ways to say the same thing (morning star and evening star both denote the planet Venus), while the same sentence can have multiple meanings (‘I just shot an elephant in my pajamas’). The Language APIs attack the problem of meaning from many different angles. There isn’t enough time at the moment to go into all of them in depth, but here’s a quick overview so know what is possible when using the six Cognitive [ more... ]

The post Cognitive Services APIs: Language appeared first on 지락문화예술공작단.

원문출처 : https://jirak.net/wp/cognitive-services-apis-language/