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Announcing the Xbox Live Creators Program

관리자 2017.03.02 15:00 조회 수 : 281

Announcing the Xbox Live Creators Program Today at GDC we announced the launch of Xbox Live Creators Program, starting with an Insider Preview that gives any developer the opportunity to publish Xbox Live-enabled games on Windows 10 PCs along with Xbox One consoles. The Creators Program provides game developers access to Xbox Live sign-in, presence and select social features that can all be integrated with their UWP games, and then they can publish their game to Xbox One and Windows 10. This means your title can be seen by every Xbox One owner across the Xbox One family of devices, including Project Scorpio this holiday, as well as hundreds of millions of Windows 10 PCs. What do you get with the Xbox Live Creators Program? First, we are opening publishing to the Xbox One console. With the Xbox Live Creators [ more... ]

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원문출처 : https://jirak.net/wp/announcing-the-xbox-live-creators-program/