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Next-generation web apps for education

관리자 2017.03.11 13:00 조회 수 : 330

Next-generation web apps for education Just a short time ago, the new Microsoft Intune for Education was announced for teachers and technologists to manage devices, accounts, and apps for students. Since that time, we’ve heard from a number of developers and app publishers who work in education, who have questions about how their apps can take full advantage of this new system.  For those app builders who are already publishing their apps on the web (and there are a lot of them!) we have a great solution today – and it’s about to get a lot better. In Windows 10, we introduced the concept of “Hosted Web Apps” – applications which serve your web content from your server, outside of the context of the browser and with both a native feel and access to native capabilities. Now, we’re excited about [ more... ]

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원문출처 : https://jirak.net/wp/next-generation-web-apps-for-education/