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Announcing NGINX Plus R12

관리자 2017.03.15 07:00 조회 수 : 295

Announcing NGINX Plus R12 Today we are pleased to announce that NGINX Plus R12 is available as a free upgrade for all NGINX Plus subscribers. NGINX Plus is a high‑performance software application delivery platform that includes a load balancer, content cache, and web server. NGINX Plus R12 is a significant release with new features focused on clustering, customization, and monitoring. <!–To learn more about NGINX Plus R12, you can also sign up for our live webinar to be held on Wednesday, April 12, 2017 at 10:00 AM PT. –> Enterprise users will benefit from the new clustering feature, which simplifies the process of managing highly available clusters of NGINX Plus servers. All users will benefit from official support for nginScript, a lightweight and high‑performance scripting language that is embedded directly into the NGINX configuration. Improvements in monitoring and instrumentation, caching, and health checks improve the [ more... ]

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원문출처 : https://jirak.net/wp/announcing-nginx-plus-r12/