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Better battery life with Microsoft Edge

관리자 2017.04.15 11:00 조회 수 : 56

Better battery life with Microsoft Edge There’s a good chance you’ve noticed that Microsoft Edge and other popular browsers have recently been focused on improving battery life. We’ve been paying particular attention to this with Windows 10, and the response has been great. Windows users spend more than half their time on the web, so improvements here have a significant effect on your device’s battery life. We’re committed to giving you the best, fastest, and most efficient browser possible. In this post, I’ll share some of the new energy efficiency improvements available with the Windows 10 Creators Update. Comparing the latest versions of major browsers on Windows, the trends are similar to what we’ve seen with previous releases. According to our tests on the Windows 10 Creators Update – based on an open-source test which simulates typical browsing activities across [ more... ]

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원문출처 : https://jirak.net/wp/better-battery-life-with-microsoft-edge/