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Windows Developers at Microsoft Build 2017

관리자 2017.04.20 15:00 조회 수 : 286

Windows Developers at Microsoft Build 2017 Microsoft Build 2017 kicks off on May 10 in Seattle, with an expected capacity crowd of over 5,000 developers—plus countless more online. Join us for the live-streamed keynotes, announcements, technical sessions and more. You’ll be among the first to hear about new developments that will help you engage your users, keep their information safe and reach them in more places. Big things have been unveiled and promoted at Microsoft Build over the years and this year’s conference won’t be any different! There will be quite a bit of content specifically relevant to Windows developers: Improvements that help you immediately engage your users with beautiful UI and natural inputs Team collaboration and connectedness to streamline and improve your development experience Services that make it easier to reach customers and learn what they want from your [ more... ]

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원문출처 : https://jirak.net/wp/windows-developers-at-microsoft-build-2017/