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Introducing CI/CD with NGINX and NGINX Plus

관리자 2017.06.01 19:00 조회 수 : 336

Introducing CI/CD with NGINX and NGINX Plus Continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) is a modern approach to managing the entire life cycle of writing, updating, and delivering applications. The agile and lightweight design of NGINX and NGINX Plus makes them extremely useful tools in support of many parts of a CI/CD platform. With CI/CD, everything from bug fixes to major feature changes are delivered to users on an ongoing basis. Different parts of an app can use different programming languages, different database schemas, and different development and release schedules. CI/CD is part of a group of related practices, each of which supports the others: The use of tools such as Bamboo and Jenkins for continuous integration The use of Git or similar tools for flexible source code control The use of containers for development, test, and production The use of container management [ more... ]

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원문출처 : https://jirak.net/wp/introducing-cicd-with-nginx-and-nginx-plus/