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Using color fonts for beautiful text and icons

관리자 2017.06.07 16:00 조회 수 : 433

Using color fonts for beautiful text and icons In this post, we’ll introduce you to a text technology called color fonts. We’ll discuss what color fonts are, when they can be useful and how to use them in your Windows 10 apps. What are color fonts? Color fonts, also referred to as “multicolor fonts” or “chromatic fonts,” are a relatively new font technology that allows font designers to use multiple colors within each glyph of the font. Color fonts allow apps and websites to draw multicolored text with less code and more robust operating system support than ad-hoc techniques implemented above the text stack. Most fonts for reading and writing—the fonts you are probably most familiar with—are not color fonts. These fonts define only the shape of the glyphs they contain, either with vector outlines or monochromatic bitmaps. At draw [ more... ]

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원문출처 : https://jirak.net/wp/using-color-fonts-for-beautiful-text-and-icons/