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UWP App Diagnostics

관리자 2017.06.29 16:00 조회 수 : 120

UWP App Diagnostics At Build this year, we gave a sneak preview of a set of new APIs designed to provide diagnostic information about running apps. You can see the videos here and here – but note that these were based on a pre-release implementation. So, while the Build videos are still correct on broad functionality, the final API names are almost all slightly different. Plus, we added a couple of extra features after Build. The final versions for the upcoming release are available in the Insider builds from Build 16226, along with the corresponding SDK. At a high level, these APIs allow an app to: Enumerate a list of running apps, including UWP apps, Win32 apps, system services and so on. For each app, get process-specific metrics on: Memory usage (private commit and working set). CPU usage. Disk reads [ more... ]

The post UWP App Diagnostics appeared first on 지락문화예술공작단.

원문출처 : https://jirak.net/wp/uwp-app-diagnostics/