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New Lights and PropertySet Interop – XAML and Visual Layer Interop, Part Two In the last post, we explored using XamlCompositionBrushBase and LoadedImageSurface to create custom CompositionBrushes that can be used to paint XAML elements directly in your markup. In today’s post, we’ll continue our look into the new improvements made to the XAML and Visual Layer Interop APIs available in the Windows 10 Creators Update. In this blog series, we’ll cover some of these improvements in the Creators Update and look at the following APIs: In Part 1: XamlCompositionBrushBase – easily paint a XAML UIElement with a CompositionBrush LoadedImageSurface – load an image easily and use with Composition APIs In Part 2, today’s post: XamlLights – apply lights to your XAML UI with a single line of XAML PointerPositionPropertySet – create 60 FPS animations using pointer position, off the [ more... ]

The post New Lights and PropertySet Interop – XAML and Visual Layer Interop, Part Two appeared first on 지락문화예술공작단.

원문출처 : https://jirak.net/wp/new-lights-and-propertyset-interop-xaml-and-visual-layer-interop-part-two/