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Community Standup with Kevin Gallo

관리자 2017.07.25 11:00 조회 수 : 333

Community Standup with Kevin Gallo Kevin Gallo will be live on Channel 9 with Seth Juarez on July 26th, 2017 at 9:30am PST. Kevin will be providing updates to the state of the Windows SDK inside Windows 10 Falls Creators Update since everyone last chatted with him at Microsoft Build 2017. As always, we’ll be answering live questions afterwards. A few of the topics Kevin and Seth will be discussing are the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update SDK, .NET Standard 2.0, Fluent Design, Microsoft Graph with the Activity API and more. Over time, we’ll hold more frequent community standups to provide additional transparency on what we are building out, and clarity on why we are building them. The community standups will not only be with just Kevin, but the entire Windows development team as well. We’ll be testing different streaming [ more... ]

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원문출처 : https://jirak.net/wp/community-standup-with-kevin-gallo/