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Announcing the 2017 Imagine Cup Champions

관리자 2017.07.28 11:00 조회 수 : 294

Announcing the 2017 Imagine Cup Champions Today, we are excited to announce Team X.GLU of the Czech Republic are the official 2017 Imagine Cup champions. X.GLU’s project combines hardware and Microsoft Azure cloud to help diabetics better cope with the disease’s symptoms. As the victors, X.GLU wins a mentoring session with Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella, $100,000 in cash, a $125,000 Azure Grant and a trip to the 2018 Build developer conference. In tackling diabetes, X.GLU seeks to improve the quality of life for the 422 million people worldwide impacted by the disease, a significant percentage of whom are children. In many cases, younger patients are burdened with having to check their blood-sugar eight to 10 times per day. Though critical to their continued good health, many children tire of the process around routinely checking their blood-sugar levels, and, as a [ more... ]

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원문출처 : https://jirak.net/wp/announcing-the-2017-imagine-cup-champions/