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Dream.Build.Play 2017 Challenge Updates

관리자 2017.09.02 12:00 조회 수 : 9075

Dream.Build.Play 2017 Challenge Updates When we launched the Dream.Build.Play 2017 Challenge in June, we had big plans for not just a contest, but a way for indie game developers to connect with each other and show off their skills and experience. We didn’t set out to replace existing communities, but maybe we could create a little something that would complement other systems. Our goal is always to help indie developers be as successful as possible, and Dream.Build.Play 2017 Challenge is just one thing we thought up. Before I begin, I do want to say that this article is long. I’ve got a lot of cool and important information to share, and rather than break it up into individual posts and have you search for it in multiple places, I’m throwing it all down in one place. Come back and refer [ more... ]

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원문출처 : https://jirak.net/wp/dream-build-play-2017-challenge-updates/