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Unlock Windows Ink with the Bamboo Ink pen

관리자 2017.09.22 13:00 조회 수 : 314

Unlock Windows Ink with the Bamboo Ink pen With Windows 10, your pen or touch-enabled device arrives built-in with Windows Ink: the feature that helps you set your ideas in motion. You can easily capture your thoughts, and share and collaborate with classmates or co-workers using Windows Ink, whether you’re doodling with the sketchpad, drawing on a screen capture of your entire desktop, drawing in the Photos app, adding notes to your map, or writing and highlighting directly on webpages in Microsoft Edge. Add notes to your map in the Maps app Studies show that students who take handwritten notes instead of using a keyboard take fewer notes, but end up with a stronger understanding across the board; and, people who doodle while listening to a class, lecture or meeting can remember more than 20 percent more of what they were [ more... ]

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원문출처 : https://jirak.net/wp/unlock-windows-ink-with-the-bamboo-ink-pen/