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Official Ansible Galaxy NGINX Roles Out Now

관리자 2017.10.07 19:00 조회 수 : 268

Official Ansible Galaxy NGINX Roles Out Now NGINX has now created officially supported Ansible Roles for the open source NGINX software and NGINX Plus available on Ansible Galaxy. These Ansible Roles will be in continual development to support customer use cases. Within Ansible, the automation engine for application deployment, a Playbook allows users to install and configure applications across multiple servers, environments, and operating systems, all from one central location. An Ansible Role, in turn, bundles Ansible variables, tasks, and handlers into a clearly defined file structure. An Ansible Role can be dropped into an Ansible Playbook and immediately put to work. You can find community-developed roles at Ansible Galaxy, a free site for sharing, finding, and downloading roles. Downloading roles from Ansible Galaxy is a great way to jumpstart your automation projects. Installing the NGINX Ansible Galaxy Roles is [ more... ]

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원문출처 : https://jirak.net/wp/official-ansible-galaxy-nginx-roles-out-now/