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Mixed Reality Capture Studios now open

관리자 2017.10.26 02:00 조회 수 : 238

Mixed Reality Capture Studios now open Earlier this month we talked about Microsoft’s vision for mixed reality and demonstrated Windows Mixed Reality experiences available this holiday. Our backdrop that day was the Microsoft Reactor in San Francisco, a community hub for creators and developers to come together, learn, collaborate, and help fuel the era of mixed reality. I am excited to announce the official launch of the Microsoft Reactor in San Francisco and the opening of Mixed Reality Capture Studios and the San Francisco Mixed Reality Academy. Create pioneering mixed reality experiences We are at the threshold of the next revolution in computing. Microsoft is passionately committed to mixed reality. The possibilities are limitless, and the future will unfold with the energy, ingenuity, and passion of the community. Together, we are on a once in a lifetime journey. To help [ more... ]

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원문출처 : https://jirak.net/wp/mixed-reality-capture-studios-now-open/