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sonar: Linting the web forward

관리자 2017.10.26 11:00 조회 수 : 250

sonar: Linting the web forward In addition to building a great browser and dependable web platform for Windows, we’re passionate about empowering developers to build great websites. With that goal in mind, we launched modern.IE in 2013 featuring a static scan tool to detect optimizations for old versions of IE, outdated libraries, missing prefixes, and more. The web has moved on since then, and it’s time to update our tools accordingly! Introducing sonar Today, we are excited to announce the next evolution of the static scan tool: sonar, a new linting tool and site scanner for the modern web. sonar brings many improvements compared to previous scanners: execution of website code instead of static analysis, a more flexible and modernized set of rules, parallel test execution, integration with other services, a completely open source code base from day one, and [ more... ]

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원문출처 : https://jirak.net/wp/sonar-linting-the-web-forward/
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