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Super Lucky’s Tale is here!

관리자 2017.11.09 04:00 조회 수 : 271

Super Lucky’s Tale is here! The Lucky’s Tale series is a diary of sorts for our development team. The original Lucky’s Tale, both our first platformer and first experience with virtual reality, was very challenging for us, but we couldn’t wait to return to that world and those characters to tell even more of their story. We learned a lot about who Lucky is – a brave, curious fox who loves adventure and making people smile. For Super Lucky’s Tale, we wanted to expand on the language of the first game without losing the simple pick-up-and-play control scheme that keeps the game both accessible and engaging. We’ve introduced the nefarious Jinx and his Kitty Litter, created a whole new cast of silly characters, and expanded on Lucky’s backstory by introducing his older sister, Lyra, and their stewardship as guardians of [ more... ]

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원문출처 : https://jirak.net/wp/super-luckys-tale-is-here/