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Xbox analytics report update in Dev Center

관리자 2017.11.17 13:00 조회 수 : 271

Xbox analytics report update in Dev Center We are happy to announce that we’ve updated our Xbox analytics report with a new Xbox Live service health tab to provide visibility into Xbox Live’s service responses. Xbox Live service health The new Xbox Live service health tab helps you understand the impact of any Xbox Live client errors, including rate limiting. You are now able to drill down by endpoint and status code to more effectively fix issues. This includes exempt rate limited requests to see potential impact in cases of high volume of these services. The report also provides a view on Xbox Live’s service availability for your title, so you can quickly determine whether an issue is due to your title’s code or a service outage. The report includes sandbox filters, so you can be more proactive and mitigate [ more... ]

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원문출처 : https://jirak.net/wp/xbox-analytics-report-update-in-dev-center/