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MySQL 8.0 – Announcing GA of the MySQL Document Store In this blog I’ll explain the big wins that come with the MySQL Document Store in the MySQL 8.0 GA. Basically SQL + NOSQL = Winning Combination = Relational + Document Store + Hybrid = Big Win For Devs = Big Win for DBAs = Big Win for Data Analysts = Big Win for LOB owners First, let’s start by considering some modern software facts Move faster, change rapidly Time to market is critical Rapid prototyping, iterate fast and frequently Relational Models ask for schema up front Potentially saving time later Less variation, less code for edge cases Easy to run in-depth analytics Document Models do not ask for a schema Saves time up front Often adds operational costs in the long term Getting Analytics from the data can be [ more... ]

원문출처 : https://jirak.net/wp/mysql-8-0-announcing-ga-of-the-mysql-document-store/