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Conditional Access Control with Microsoft Azure Active Directory For many organizations, Microsoft Active Directory represents the single, canonical source of truth for the identities of employees and trusted users. When building and deploying cloud‑based business applications, the Azure platform is particularly attractive due to its native integration with Active Directory. Microsoft Azure supports a wide range of standards‑based federated identity and single sign‑on technologies to help developers authenticate, consume, and make decisions based on the identities of users defined in Active Directory. However, there are some scenarios where it is challenging or undesirable to implement these standards‑based technologies at the application level, such as: When moving existing applications to the cloud, it can be difficult to modernize the underlying authentication system to support single sign‑on. When building a microservices‑style application, it is preferable to centralize the authentication and access control [ more... ]

원문출처 : https://jirak.net/wp/conditional-access-control-with-microsoft-azure-active-directory/