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 Windows 10 Maps updates make inking better than ever On the Maps team, we are always working to improve the maps experience and deliver more than a simple tool to get you where you need to go. We want to help you discover the world around you and deliver the best personal map and navigation experiences so you can get there your way. Natural interaction with Windows Ink We want it to be as easy and natural as possible to use the Maps experience, so that means including support for touch and ink, not just a mouse and keyboard.  Our touch support lets you control the map with gestures such as pinch to zoom or tilting the map by dragging two fingers down, so you can see things in 3D. The interaction with the map becomes even more natural and [ more... ]

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원문출처 : https://jirak.net/wp/windows-10-maps-updates-make-inking-better-than-ever/