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Windows 10 Tip: Personalize your Start Page in Microsoft Edge Did you know that you can customize your Start and New Tab pages in Microsoft Edge to show news and sites based on your preference, so you can quickly get to the content you want? Both pages give you access to the latest news across business, entertainment, finance and more. Plus, with weather updates, sports scores, recommendations for apps and much more, the Microsoft Edge Start and New Tab Page become your personal dashboard to help you kick-start your web journey every time. Here’s how to start personalizing your Start and New Tab pages: On the Start page, click the “Customize” icon on the top right, below the search bar and select the type of news you would like to see displayed under “My Feed.” On the New Tab Page, [ more... ]

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원문출처 : https://jirak.net/wp/windows-10-tip-personalize-your-start-page-in-microsoft-edge/