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New Surface devices perfect fit for engineers with Siemens NX Certification We’ve seen great momentum across a range of industries and use cases for Surface devices – especially from engineers, who are some of the most creative people in the world. They are often responsible for designing some of today’s most complex and sophisticated products – from trains and planes, to automobiles and medical devices. Today, we’re announcing Microsoft Surface devices, including the new Surface Studio and Surface Book with Performance Base, which are all certified to run Siemens NX software, one of the world’s most advanced product design software applications. This will give engineers the confidence in their ability to utilize Surface devices to help them design and create such innovative products. The Siemens NX team joined us in New York City for our recent launch and I was [ more... ]

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원문출처 : https://jirak.net/wp/new-surface-devices-perfect-fit-for-engineers-with-siemens-nx-certification/