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ETC log timestamp timezone in mysql-5.7

관리자 2016.05.12 20:00 조회 수 : 47

mysql-5.7 사용중에 sql에 의한 time은 시스템 시간과 동일하게 잘 맞는데.. log(error, slow 등)파일의 timestamp만 내가 사용하는 KST 가 적용되지 않고 9시간 전인 UTC로 되어있다 이말이지… 그래서 찾아봤더니.. 5.7.2 부터 log_timestamps 가 추가되었데… ㅅㅂ 기본값이 UTC설정이라 log_timestamps=SYSTEM 이렇게 처리를 해줘야 한댄다…   출처 : http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/server-system-variables.html#sysvar_log_timestamps log_timestamps Introduced 5.7.2 Command-Line Format --log_timestamps=# System Variable Name log_timestamps Variable Scope Global Dynamic Variable Yes Permitted Values Type enumeration Default UTC Valid Values UTC SYSTEM This variable controls the timestamp time zone of error log messages, and of general query log and slow query log messages written to files. It does not affect the time zone of general query log and slow query log messages written to tables (mysql.general_log, mysql.slow_log). Rows retrieved from those tables can be converted from the local system time zone to any desired time zone with CONVERT_TZ() or by setting the session [ more... ]

The post log timestamp timezone in mysql-5.7 appeared first on 지락문화예술공작단.

원문출처 : https://jirak.net/wp/log-timestamp-timezone-mysql-5-7/
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