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Microsoft Edge and Continuum: Your desktop browser on a phone Continuum for Phones, available on select Windows 10 Mobile devices, allows customers to connect their phone to a monitor, projector, or TV for a full-sized desktop experience, powered by their phone. Because Microsoft Edge is built on the Universal Windows Platform, Microsoft Edge in Continuum is able to provide a full desktop browser experience. Windows 10 phone connected to Lumia Display Dock for Continuum Let’s walk through a quick overview of how Continuum works and a few key differences between Microsoft Edge running in Continuum and on a PC. Using Continuum on Windows 10 Mobile Continuum allows Windows 10 Mobile users to have a PC-like experience when connected to an external display and a mouse and keyboard. When connected (via a wired dock or via Bluetooth and Miracast), Universal Windows [ more... ]

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원문출처 : https://jirak.net/wp/microsoft-edge-and-continuum-your-desktop-browser-on-a-phone/