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Migrating Layer 7 Logic from F5 iRules and Citrix Policies to NGINX and NGINX Plus Administrators of traditional hardware application delivery controllers (ADCs) are often faced with use cases that the rule sets provided by ADC vendors don’t cover, and certainly not at the necessary fine‑grained level of control over how requests and responses are processed. As a result, most organizations have written their own custom rules, and as they move to software‑based load balancers, whether on premises or in the cloud, they need an easy way to migrate that ADC logic along with their applications. NGINX and NGINX Plus offer a powerful configuration language that covers many of these use cases. This blog post explains how to convert several common types of policies or scripts from popular hardware ADCs to NGINX configuration blocks. We here at NGINX, Inc. have found that many times the [ more... ]

The post Migrating Layer 7 Logic from F5 iRules and Citrix Policies to NGINX and NGINX Plus appeared first on 지락문화예술공작단.

원문출처 : https://jirak.net/wp/migrating-layer-7-logic-from-f5-irules-and-citrix-policies-to-nginx-and-nginx-plus/