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The “Internet of Stranger Things” Wall, Part 3 – Voice Recognition and Intelligence Overview I called this project the “Internet of Stranger Things,” but so far, there hasn’t been an internet piece. In addition, there really hasn’t been anything that couldn’t be easily accomplished on an Arduino or a Raspberry Pi. I wanted this demo to have more moving parts to improve the experience and also demonstrate some cool technology. First is voice recognition. Proper voice recognition typically takes a pretty decent computer and a good OS. This isn’t something you’d generally do on an Arduino alone; it’s simply not designed for that kind of workload. Next, I wanted to wire it up to the cloud, specifically to a bot. The interaction in the show is a conversation between two people, so this was a natural fit. Speaking of “natural,” [ more... ]

The post The “Internet of Stranger Things” Wall, Part 3 – Voice Recognition and Intelligence appeared first on 지락문화예술공작단.

원문출처 : https://jirak.net/wp/the-internet-of-stranger-things-wall-part-3-voice-recognition-and-intelligence/