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Bon Jsell on why they love theSkimm and Surface “We got more than what we paid for; Surface is basically a 3-in-1,” said Skimm’r and Bohn Jsell designer John E. Bell. Surface Industrial Designer Kait Schoeck (wearing a Bohn Jsell vest), Bohn Jsell designers John Bell and Kasha Reavis, and me (wearing the Bohn Jsell top sketched below). Photo credit: Hive Studio I was thrilled to meet Surface fans Kasha and John, the co-founders of Bohn Jsell Collections at the #NineteenthAmendmentPeople event earlier this month—especially because they let me wear one of their tops that had been designed on a Surface. Kasha and John have been fans of their ultra-portable Surface Pro 4 and its accompanying Pen since they purchased it earlier this year so it was fun to meet them and hear their story. Instagram post while designing on [ more... ]

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원문출처 : https://jirak.net/wp/bon-jsell-on-why-they-love-theskimm-and-surface/